Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May's tutorial (Onigiri as gift)

So, recently I am able to get someone who is willing to be my guinea pig to test out those foods that I made.

Yes! That person is actually my hairstylist. haha! I want to let someone who is not within my friends' circle or my family members to try.

Therefore, I think my hairstylist will be the best person and luckily he agreed to it but I am pretty sure that he started to regret now. haha!

Anyway, so far I have only made 2 bento for him to try. The first I made, I have posted it few posts back and the 2nd one was just few days ago. I forgot to captured pictures for it. >_<

Anyhow, I made onigiri for him to try as my 2nd bento to him. That also gave me an idea to do a video on onigiri as a gift.

I think making foods as a gift is really a great idea (of course if it tastes nice). haha! But it's also the thoughts that count. If anyone of you have made any bento or any foods such as baking, cooking and etc.. I am sure all of you will agree with me on how much time and efforts you need to put it in.

Whenever I prepared a bento for my hairstylist to try, I have to use at least 2 to 2.5 hours! Of course that has to depend on your skills but based on my sloppy skills and super amateurs cooking, I need that amount of time. haha!

So, let's say my hair appointment is at 10.30am, I need to get up as early as 6am to prepare and start cooking. Will finish at around 8.30am - 9am-ish. Then, I have to quickly prepare myself, dress up, make up and etc and dash out to the salon. LOL! Well, I can make my appointment later but I prefer morning appointment due to the crowd in the afternoon. The salon is always packed with customers.

Alright, oops! Back to the topic now. So, yeah! I think if I ever received any foods from anyone (plus it tastes nice too), I will be super happy. haha! Even if it's not nice, just by the efforts itself of making it just for you is super touching. I am referring this not only to the opposite sex but just anyone in general. hehe!

Here is a peep to my upcoming tutorial! Stay tune for the video yeah. hehe!

Here is the onigiri team on the basket before wrapping. haha! Let's meet each of everyone of them.

This is Ms Sake Piggy. Hehe! It's made of sake (salmon flakes). Awww.. the nori of its mouth didn't stick good; hence she looks sad. haha!

Next, is the Katsu boy! It's made of Katsuoboshi (bonito flakes) with soy sauce and baby anchovies.

This is umeshroom! The name is funny but I can't think of any. haha! This onigiri is made of umeboshi (pickled plum) sprinkled with shiso powder. Super sour! But I love it. haha! Mushroom is made of cheese and hanpen. The dots/ spots are ketchup. hehe!

Last but not least, triangle onigiri. This has no character because it's better to stay plain for them. haha! This onigiri is made of agedama + spring onion.

The end result after wrapping. Hey! Mushroom's spots for umeshroom are gone! haha! It's because the spots were causing me so much trouble in wrapping as it kept staining my wrapper. So, I wiped it all off. hehe! But of course, you may replace the spots with hanpen. Still, I find it trouble when comes to wrapping it as the spots keep moving. haha!

Hope you guys have enjoyed the pictures and please anticipate the video. Coming soon!

So, do you guys think onigiri makes good gift? Of course this gift has to be consumed on that day itself.

The feedback that I got from my hairstylist is, he said that he likes it. haha! Of course the one I made for him didn't have all these characters and it's bigger in size as well. Not as small as shown in these pictures.

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