Friday, August 13, 2010

Curry rice bento for September tutorial

As I have blogged yesterday that my September tutorial will be Japanese curry rice and finally I have finished filming the video today. hehe!

The video will be up on youtube in the month of September; however you guys can take a peep at it through pictures. haha!

Alright, the concept of this bento is having fun in water.. but of course the water means the curry. haha! Inu-chan (the dog) probably had too much fun that it got itself so messy with water.. I mean curry. ^_^

Inu-chan said "Not forgetting my umbrella to block out the UV rays from my body.. applied sunblock too. LOL!"

Final product of the entire bento. Stay tune for the video on September yeah ^_^v

Those who visited my blog today, thank you~

1 comment:

  1. Using the rice and curry to make a dog is very creative. Cute.
