Sunday, June 26, 2011

June's tutorial + Bento bloggers

First of all, my June's bento is up on youtube. hehe! It was up yesterday but I didn't have the time to post up here.

So, do check it out yeah! Picture is at the post before this.

Secondly, a member from youtube was asking how did I learn to make charaben? Or was it my own idea?

Like I have posted before, I am so hopeless in creativity. Most bloggers, before they create a charaben, they will usually draw the idea and how they want it to be.

I can't draw to save my live. haha! So, I do learn it from books, bloggers, by looking at those charaben pictures that can be found on the internet and etc.

However, as another member told me, though it wasn't my own idea, it needs talent to execute or to make it. Some people can't make it even though they are following it. Just like myself, even by looking at a drawing, I don't think I can even draw it. haha! So, in arts, I don't think I have the talent. ^^;

However in making charaben, I am very grateful that I am able to make some and I am yet to take another level up for a more challenging charaben. Hopefully I can get better in times to come as I am still new to it.

Hopefully, one day I will be able to gather enough inspirations and creativity to create my own idea. haha! Perhaps have to wait for a very very long time. haha!

Anyway, the member was asking if I could share those bloggers that I visited or learn from, I thought of why not post it at here instead? hehe!

So, here are a few bloggers that I usually read from.

Asami-san is a really famous bloggers in the internet world in Japan. She does have classes to teach others in making charaben too.

Second blogger is yukiko-san. Just stmbled upon her page while browsing.

Lastly is kazunochin-san. His art of charaben is of higher level according to me. haha! He is really good in cutting especially nori. I am definitely not there yet.

So, yeah basically these are the only 3 bloggers that I read from. Hope that helps.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

June's bento

Finally I am done filming my June's bento today.

It was such a mess!! haha!

Still remember I posted a bento picture that was done by a genius out there? A bento pic with snails?

That's the theme for this month's bento.

Of course I have to admit that the original picture looks 10000000x better than mine. haha!

However, I think it's not a bad attempt. haha!

I will edit the videos tomorrow and will try to upload the video by this week itself. If I can't upload it this week, it will definitely be next week. Yikes! End of the month soon >_<

I will try my very best to upload it this week.

In the meantime, do take a peep on this month's bento. hehe!

So, this month's bento has terriyaki chicken, kinpira renkon (lotus root), banana korokke and yaki onigiri. My initial plan was to make cheese korokke; however, I didn't realize that the cheese I have in my fridge was way beyond the expiry date. It has gone bad and I can't use it at all. haha! Can't go out to get any cheese at last minute and I have one banana left, I decided to use banana. In addition, I don't think there is any sweet korokke out there before. haha! This is a weird combination somehow, potato with banana. haha!

Anyway, this bento is still lying in my fridge right now because right after I ate the first snail, which is made of potatoes, I was absolutely fulled! I can't eat anything anymore after that. So, I will have to keep it in my fridge for tomorrow's lunch. My brother and mom can't eat it because my mom had cooked dinner on that time. haha!

By the way, the 2 sticks on the snails' head are from pocky. haha!

And for the fun of it. haha! Don't worry, no snails are being hurt in this bento. haha!

Please wait for the video. Thank you for visiting my blog and sorry for the lack of updates. ^^;