Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September tutorial is up + a peek on October tutorial

Finally, I am done with the upload and annotations for September tutorial. hehe!

But, I don't know why once it's uploaded on youtube, the quality has turned slightly bad with pixelated screen at some part. sigh~ Perhaps I shall get myself a HD cam corder. hehe! Have to save first >_<

Alright here is the link to September tutorial.

It's on my new channel. hehe!

On the other hand, let's take a peek on my October tutorial.

Yup! Totoro is the theme for October tutorial. haha! First time making this character.. no practice or whatsoever before that. So, it might not be perfect or good but please bear with me yeah. ^^;

Do wait for it yeah ^_^

That's all for today. Thank you for visiting my blog.


  1. New follower here. Love your September tutorial. Can't wait until the October one! Its so cute.

  2. hey Lilly, thank you for following my blog and watching my amateur video. ^_^ haha!
