Friday, September 24, 2010

Tonight's dinner ~

My mom mistaken that I wouldn't be going home tonight as she thought I will be staying over at my granny's house.

So, when I got home, she was shocked to see me home and said she didn't make my dinner and asked "Are you not staying at granny's house tonight?"

Have you guys ever experienced going home late in the evening and was really hungry, hoping that there will be dinner already served... warm and tasty dinner...

BUT your dinner is not there?!!! T_T

What will your reactions be?

So, instead of crying over my dinner, I quickly make my own dinner with what I have in the refrigerator.

I need something quick and simple because I was super hungry and tired.

I NEED FOOD! haha!

So, I came up with this cold salad. Once I am done with everything, I place my salad in the refrigerator and take a quick shower to freshen up.

Little did I know, my mom has done something to my salad... and she did something else.

Once I have finished my shower, I went into the refrigerator to get my salad. I sat down and before I started to eat, I realized a little something extra inside my salad.

She added some dried raisins into my bowl of salad. She told me, the taste will be better with those sweet dried raisins. I ate it and truly, I love it! This salad is actually the same as what I have done for my October bento tutorial but I added eggs and mushroom. The dressing is rice vinegar, sugar, soy sauce and sesame oil. Now with the dried raisins added, it gives a hint of sweetness.. as in fruits sweetness. Anyway, there are mushroom, raw carrots, edamame, hard boiled egg, wakame and dried raisins in this salad. Sprinkled with white and black sesame seeds with little of shiso powder too. I love shiso powder!

Then mama served me a hot bowl of miso soup and said a dinner wouldn't be complete without miso soup though.

Ahhh.. I feel warmer now. haha! I thank her for the miso soup as I don't intend to make one tonight because I want a quick meal. She then apologized to me for the misunderstanding; hence didn't make my dinner.

I smiled and told her "It's alright. I am an adult. I can prepare my own meal now. So, don't worry." ^_^

As much as she knew I don't want to have any rice for dinner, she asked me to eat a little bit for energy. She said you must be very tired from work; hence it's better to eat little rice for the energy.

Rice is sprinkled with shiso powder.

Truly, mom is the greatest. I love my mom.. though it's not in my culture to say it out from our mouth saying "I love you, mom" .. I do love and appreciate her. More than she knows. hehe!

Alright~ That's my dinner and a little story behind it. haha!

Thank you for visiting my blog today.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September tutorial is up + a peek on October tutorial

Finally, I am done with the upload and annotations for September tutorial. hehe!

But, I don't know why once it's uploaded on youtube, the quality has turned slightly bad with pixelated screen at some part. sigh~ Perhaps I shall get myself a HD cam corder. hehe! Have to save first >_<

Alright here is the link to September tutorial.

It's on my new channel. hehe!

On the other hand, let's take a peek on my October tutorial.

Yup! Totoro is the theme for October tutorial. haha! First time making this character.. no practice or whatsoever before that. So, it might not be perfect or good but please bear with me yeah. ^^;

Do wait for it yeah ^_^

That's all for today. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tonight's dinner ~

I cooked curry rice for dinner tonight. Due to I have not much time and it was late time for dinner just now, I decided to cook curry rice. haha!

If you have curry roux at home and have no time to cook, curry rice is the solution. haha!

It takes only a fraction of your time.

I stirred fry some cabbage, long beans and carrots, add water, dashi and curry roux. That's it! I took about 10mins to prepare my dinner.

This is for my brother.

This is mine.

Not forgetting our miso soup, which many people will have it daily. ^_^ I made awase miso with wakame (seaweed), tofu and nanegi (japanese bunching onion).

That's all for now. Thank you for visiting my blog today.

大学芋 (Daigaku Imo)

Today I want to share a simple yet delicious dish to all of you.

Some of you might have heard of daigaku imo but some of you might have not.

Daigaku Imo (University/ College Potato) is a traditional Japanese sweet. It's made of Fried sweet potato coated with sugar syrup.

It can be a perfect side dish for bento (which I made it for my October bento) as well as a great snack serve with green tea ^_^

It's very easy to do yet delicious! hehe! I have just done making my October bento and I will post the pic on my blog soon. 'Til then, here is the photo for Daigaku imo.

Basically, cut satsumaimo (sweet potato) into bite size and fried it until cooked and turned golden brown. I use medium heat. Once it's cooked and turned golden brown, set it aside.

Syrup is made from soy sauce, sugar and water. Boil the ingredients until it thicken and off the fire. Toss in the fried sweet potato and mix it to coat well. Put it into a bowl or plate and sprinkle black sesame on top and serve.

Simple right?

That's all from me. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

~ Bento haul ~

I went for bento shopping in these 2 days. I planned to make my October bento this week but time doesn't permit.

Hence, I have to change my plan to next week and hopefully by next week, I will be able to upload this month's curry rice bento tutorial.

I went for shopping and here are what I have bought. I will try to incorporate all these into my October bento tutorial. I will reveal my next Charaben next week. hehe! So, do wait for it yeah.

Yay! Cinnamoroll bento box and Keroppi! Keroppi's bento box is heart shape. I will use one of these containers on my next tutorial. めっちゃかわいい!!

Love these fancy food picks. haha! Definitely going to be a great accessory to accessorize my bento. 

These too ^_^

Another new set of food cutters that I bought.

These are DEKOFURI. Furikake for decorating your bento.You can make your rice turned into the color as shown in the pic. I am going to show you guys how to use it and the outcome of it on my October video. Picture of October tutorial will be posted here next week hopefully.

This is black sesame powder. I need this for my next bento; hence I bought it. I am so excited for my next bento because it's my first making that character and hope that it will turn out well. Are you guys able to guess what character will be my next bento? hehe!

Alright. I guess that's all from me. Thank you for visiting my blog today.

See you and stay tune~