Wednesday, August 31, 2011

{August tutorial] ドモくん寿司弁当 (Domo-kun sushi bento)

I know I have been slacking in updating here and I always forgot to take pictures whenever I made some foods. haha!

Anyway, during usual days, I don't really make character bento because it requires too much time. Perhaps I will make it for my children in the future when I am a full time housewife. Plus if I am able to find my Mr. Right and get marry and have children. haha!

So, for now, I think I will stick with kyaraben for youtube purpose. In usual days, whenever I make bento for myself or for others to try, I will usually go for classic bento. Whenever I make one for my hairstylist to try too is classic bento.

Kyaraben is meant for kids eh. haha!

Alright here is the video and some pics of this month's tutorial It's such a failed! I planned to make sushi sandwich but ended up with sushi roll. Because it's just a failure. haha!

This month's bento, I have chose to have simple stir fry okra, maize and egg as side dish. Sushi roll and Inarizushi. As for characters, I have chosen to make another Domo-kun version because my previous tuna mayo domo-kun wasn't that good. haha! Baby stars as companion and Mr. and Ms. Sausages. hehe! Hope you guys like it.

Here is the video.